Nordic open Masters 2024, October 11-12

Information about bookings of Accomodation, Meals and Farewellparty

Bokningen av logi är nu stängd. Frågor skickas till 

Mat och kamratfesten kan fortfarande bokas tom fredagen den 27 september kl 12.00.

Alla bokningar görs via formulären som du når från huvudmenyn under "NORDIC OPEN MASTERS 2024"->"BOOKINGS" .
Fakturor på alla gjorda bokningar kommer att skickas ut senast under vecka 40. Dessa skickas till e-posten som angavs i samband med anmälan.

Reservations for accomodation are now closed.

It is still possible to make reservations for meals and the farewellparty. Last day will be on friday the 27th of september.
All reservations are made in the forms that you can reach in the meny under "NORDIC OPEN MASTERS 2024"->"Booking" .
Invoices on all the reservations will then be sent out at latest during week 40. They will be sent to email stated during reservation

Måltiderna kommer serveras följande tider/ Meals will be served at these time:
Fredag middag/ Friday dinner: 20.00-22.30
Lördag lunch/ Saturday lunch: 12.00-14.00

Entries of non Nordic countries

We accept entries from non nodric countries this year too, but participant from non nordic countries are not able to compete for medals or become Nordic champions.

Inbjudan - 2024 års Nordiska Masters (Svenska)

Invitation - 2024 Nordic open masters (English)

Entry forms

Contact Sven-Åke Gustafsson, , for the entry form if you need for your entries.